Home Dedicated Server Do Subdomains Need Separate SSL Certificates?

Do Subdomains Need Separate SSL Certificates?

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Do subdomains need their own SSL certificates?

Subdomains are a part of the domain name system (DNS) and are used to route traffic to specific content or applications. A subdomain can be created for anything, such as “blog” or “store”. When you create a subdomain, you can use a different domain name than your main domain. For example, if your main domain is example.com, you could use blog.example.com for your blog subdomain.

Some web hosting providers allow you to create subdomains for free while others charge a small fee. You will need to configure your DNS settings to point the subdomain to the correct IP address or server.

SSL certificates are used to encrypt communication between a website and a visitor’s web browser. Any website can have an SSL certificate, including a subdomain. If you want to add SSL encryption to a subdomain, you will need to purchase and install a separate SSL certificate for that subdomain.

Why subdomains might need to have their own SSL certificates

The primary reason you would want to use a subdomain is to keep your root domain clean and organized. For example, if you had a blog at www.example.com, you might want to use the subdomain blog.example.com to keep your root domain looking clean and professional. By using a subdomain, visitors will still be able to access your blog by going to www.example.com/blog, but the URL will look cleaner and more professional.

Another common reason for using a subdomain is to create a separate area for certain types of content. For example, if you had a website for your business with an online store, you might want to use the subdomain shop.example.com for your store. This would keep your main website looking clean and professional, and it would make it easier for customers to find your store since they wouldn’t have to search through your entire website for it.

Finally, one last common reason for using a subdomain is because it can help with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). If you have a popular website, chances are that people are searching for specific terms related to your website. By using a subdomain, you can target those specific terms and make it easier for people to find your website in search engines. For example, if someone was searching for “widgets,” they might be more likely to find your widget website if it was at widgets.example.com rather than www.example.com

Where to get a Free SSL certificate

If you’re looking for a free SSL certificate, the best place to start is with your web hosting provider. Many web hosts offer free SSL certificates as part of their hosting plans. If your web host doesn’t offer a free SSL certificate, there are a few other options.

Let’s Encrypt is a free, open-source SSL certificate authority. They offer free SSL certificates that are valid for 90 days. To get a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate, you’ll need to use their Certbot tool.

Another option for a free SSL certificate is Cloudflare. Cloudflare offers a shared SSL certificate that is free to use. To use the Cloudflare SSL certificate, you’ll need to sign up for a Cloudflare account and add your website to their platform.

Once you have an SSL certificate, you’ll need to install it on your website. This process will vary depending on which type of SSL certificate you have and where you got it from. Consult your web host or the documentation for your SSL certificate for more information on how to install it.

How to implement an SSL certificate across multiple subdomains

If you’re running a website that uses multiple subdomains, you may be wondering if you need separate SSL certificates for each one. The short answer is: it depends. In some cases, a single SSL certificate can be used for all of your subdomains. In other cases, you may need to use multiple SSL certificates.

To determine whether or not you need to use multiple SSL certificates, you’ll need to consider the following factors:

The type of subdomains you’re using: If you’re using wildcard subdomains (e.g., *.example.com), then you can use a single SSL certificate for all of your subdomains. However, if you’re using non-wildcard subdomains (e.g., www.example.com, blog.example.com), then you’ll need to use separate SSL certificates for each subdomain.

The number of subdomains you’re using: If you only have a few subdomains, then it’s usually more convenient to use separate SSL certificates for each one. However, if you have a large number of subdomains, then using a single wildcard SSL certificate can be more efficient and cost-effective.

Your hosting environment: If your website is hosted on a shared server, then it’s likely that you’ll need to use separate SSL certificates for each subdomain (unless your host supports SNI). However, if your website is hosted on a dedicated server or VPS, then you can use a single wildcard SSL certificate for all of your subdomains.

Once you’ve determined whether or not you need to use multiple SSL certificates, you can proceed with the following steps:

  1. Generate a CSR for each subdomain

If you’re using separate SSL certificates for each subdomain, then you’ll need to generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) for each one. A CSR is a block of text that contains information about your website and your company. It’s used to generate an SSL certificate.

To generate a CSR, you’ll need to use a tool like OpenSSL. Once you have OpenSSL installed, you can run the following command to generate a CSR for www.example.com:

openssl req -new -key www_example_com.key -out www_example_com.csr

Replace www_example_com with the name of your subdomain. This command will generate two files: www_example_com.key (your private key) and www_example_com.csr (your CSR).

  1. Submit your CS Rs to a Certificate Authority

Once you have generated CSRs for all of your subdomains, you’ll need to submit them to a Certificate Authority (CA) for signing. A CA is an organization that issues SSL certificates.

There are many different CAs to choose from, but we recommend using DigiCert or Symantec. Both of these CAs offer high-quality SSL certificates and excellent customer support.

  1. Install your SSL certificates

After you’ve received your signed SSL certificates from the CA, you’ll need to install them on your web server. How you install your SSL certificate will depend on your web server software. Consult your web server’s documentation for instructions on how to do this.

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